Status of
investment by
related companies

(unit: KRW 1,000)
Based on the Business Report
dated November 30, 2023

Category Share Ratio No. of Shares Invested Opening Balance Equity Adjustments Closing Balance
Beneficiary certificate KendallSquare Professional Investment Type Private Placement Real Estate Investment Trust No. 6 - - 51,696,981 -51,696,981 -
KendallSquare Professional Investment Type Private Placement Real Estate Investment Trust No. 7 99.28% 41,126,694,806 43,971,493 643,428 44,614,921
KendallSquare Professional Investment Type Private Placement Real Estate Investment Trust No. 8 99.21% 37,743,009,474 45,454,812 1,267,051 46,721,863
KendallSquare Professional Investment Type Private Placement Real Estate Investment Trust No. 11 99.29% 42,104,284,981 46,225,182 814,996 47,040,178
KendallSquare Professional Investment Type Private Placement Real Estate Investment Trust No. 18 97.78% 30,898,138,840 30,967,029 33,782 31,000,811

Although the share ratio of the above beneficiary certificate exceeds 50%, it is a trust-type beneficiary certificate and classified as a related company as it is judged to have no effective control in accordance with the Capital Market Act and trust agreement. Equity Adjustments consist of values from termination, equity method profit or loss and dividends