Human-Centric Management

We emphasize close communication with all stakeholders, from tenants, employees and shareholders to partner firms, local communities and government authorities, in order to have a positive impact and provide benefits for the entire society. We also support the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact Network (UNGC) in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. We are strongly committed to shaping a culture that promotes the protection of stakeholders' rights. Based on the concept of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), we will fulfill our corporate social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen.

  • Engaging with local communities

    'Happiness Box' delivery and plogging at Yeouido Park

    We have participated in the 'Happiness Box'' program, a social contribution project initiated by SK Group to address the issue of malnourished children since 2021. Every year we send out 'happiness boxes' containing nutritious snacks and other goods to 600 underprivileged children nationwide at risk of malnutrition, together with the social contribution coalition Happiness Alliance. Employees of KendallSquare REIT Management also joined in from 2022. Another way in which we promote ESG values and a healthy society is 'plogging' which combines jogging and picking up trash. We have carried out plogging in the Yeouido Park area in Seoul since 2022. We will steadily expand our social contribution activities to protect our planet and foster the wellbeing of local communities.

  • Communicating with stakeholders

    Evaluating tenant satisfaction, addressing stakeholder grievances

    Our tenants' opinions are actively reflected in the operation of logistics centers to create pleasant working conditions. Various communication channels have been set up to collect their views. We continue to improve the working environment in our logistics centers based on third-party surveys on tenant satisfaction. We plan to conduct the surveys on an annual basis.

    We also make diverse efforts to address issues raised by our stakeholders. We have in place personnel and processes dedicated to handling their grievances. Stakeholders can file complaints through our website. We will respond accordingly depending on the severity of the issue and take appropriate steps to resolve the situation.

Creating a happy corporate culture with employees

Employee satisfaction and DEI

Recruiting top talent and fostering career development form a crucial part of human resources management at KendallSquare REIT Management. We are shaping a healthy organizational culture with various measures including employee satisfaction surveys, team building programs and worker representative system. In step with the global DEI movement, we promote diversity and equal gender representation. We prohibit discrimination based on gender, age, regional and school background, and religion in the recruiting process. Additionally, we are nurturing the next generation of women leaders with greater female representation in supervisory roles as well as career development support and equal opportunity for advancement.

We abide by international standards and regulations including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Labor Organization's (ILO) fundamental conventions. We are committed to protecting and respecting the rights of employees and all other stakeholders. We organize annual training programs for all employees on harassment in the workplace, disability awareness and sexual harassment so that our entire workforce is fully aware of the importance of human rights.